Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I ♥ Wisconsin

Zack, Emma and I spent some quality time in the heart of Wisconsin this weekend. I rediscovered by affection for consumerism in the dairy state as well:

<<<>>>these are some treasures from Ray's Closeouts. I've been a customer at this store since before I can remember, yet I always find something new. The place is full of amazing stuff, everything from yard butts to Elvis clocks<<<>>>

<<<>>>Country Cupboard in Wautoma, Wisconsin is probably the best thrift store I've ever been to. It's the kind of place you dream of when you're at Savers or Unique and you realize the place has already been picked over by everyone in town, and then their friends<<<>>>

we found a not-as-abandoned-as-we-thought-at-first ski lift in the woods. Turns out it's in use, but not in the warmer months (obv). But still neat.

My dad found a turtle

Thorpedo of Thorp, Wisconsin is our new favorite restaurant ---->

(me taking the picture of Thorpedo)

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